Sales Agreement Puppy

[vc_row unlock_row_content=”yes” row_height_percent=”0″ back_color=”color-wayh” overlay_alpha=”50″ gutter_size=”3″ shift_y=”0″][vc_column column_width_percent=”100″ align_horizontal=”align_center” overlay_alpha=”50″ gutter_size=”3″ medium_width=”0″ mobile_width=”0″ shift_x=”0″ shift_y=”0″ z_index=”0″ width=”1/1″][vc_custom_heading heading_semantic=”h3″ text_size=”h3″ text_space=”fontspace-111509″ text_font=”font-762333″ text_weight=”700″ text_transform=”uppercase” text_color=”color-xsdn”]Example Sales Agreement (Puppies)[/vc_custom_heading][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]TYCWMDARRANS – SALES CONTRACT 

THIS AGREEMENT made on xx/x/xxxx BETWEEN Mr. Gary Pugh (hereinafter called ‘the Vendor’) of xx xxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx, xxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxx. xxxxxx of the one part and:-

(Name)_______________________ (hereinafter called ‘the Purchaser’) Purchaser’s Address


WHEREBY IT IS AGREED that the vendor will sell and the purchaser will Purchase the Puppy detailed below at the price of £xxx.00. That the Puppy is sold in good health has been flea treated and wormed and has been vet checked on the date of first vaccination and again on date of second vaccination if applicable.


Puppy Chip Number   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx – xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx – DOB-x/x/xxxx

That the puppy is sold to the purchaser as a pet. That the puppy has the following restrictions on its Kennel Club registration papers;  “R – Progeny not Eligible for Registration” and “X – Not Eligible for issue of Export pedigree”.

That the Puppy shall not be sold, leased or given to any pet shop or research establishment, donated to any other person without the vendors prior knowledge and consent. In the event of the purchaser(s) being unable to maintain the puppy, the vendor shall be informed and shall reserve the right to repossess the Puppy at any age without compensation.

The Purchaser further warrants that the Puppy will be kept in appropriate conditions for its health and welfare and will be fed a suitable diet for its age and condition, will receive regular booster vaccinations and all necessary care from a veterinary surgeon.

The new owner of the Puppy in no way holds the breeder responsible for any accident, illness or distress caused by the above Puppy during its lifetime and is happy that the Puppy is being sold as fit and healthy, showing no signs of illness on collection.

During the first 4 weeks, the Puppy will be insured with Petplan. This insurance offers 4-weeks free cover. This policy will be activated on the day the Puppy is sold. If the Puppy displays any symptoms of ill health during the first 4 weeks of cover or after, the breeder will not be held responsible. You would need to contact Petplan and consult a vet.

This contract is wholly binding and should any of the clauses be violated steps will be taken to claim justifiable damages.

The purchaser further understands that if there is a failure to keep any part of this contract, or if the Puppy is neglected, maltreated, or failing to receive any necessary care, the purchaser will surrender the said Puppy to the vendor unconditionally and without financial restitution or compensation.

That under no circumstances will the purchased Puppy/Dog be placed in a shelter, or abandoned and should be returned to seller with all paperwork.

Signed by the Vendor:                                                                          Date:

Signed by the Purchaser(s):                                                                   Date:[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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